Tuesday, Sept. 10: Last day to sign up for Weir Chaperone (all forms are due in Elem office) Follow-up Boat Captain's Meeting (Weir) @ 4:30 Elem Computer Lab HS Moose Trip Meeting @ 6pm ES Gym Wednesday, Sept. 11: HS M6 Volleyball begins Thursday, Sept. 12: 6th Grade Weir Trip (students need to arrive by 7:15) ES K-5 Berry Trip meeting @ 6pm ES Gym **7th/8th Grade Qissunaq Trip meeting TBD** Friday, Sept. 13: Red Eagle Day-show your school spirit and wear Red
6 months ago, St. Mary's School District
"Grandparents make the world a little softer, a little kinder, and a little warmer." — Unknown SMSD will acknowledge Grandparents Day for students K-6 on September 9, 2024 in the Elementary Library @ 9am. Please RSVP for Grandparent's Day by September 5. The kitchen staff needs a headcount in order to prepare enough food.
6 months ago, St. Mary's School District
Weekly Announcement: Monday, Sept. 2: Labor Day Holiday (NO SCHOOL) Tuesday, Sept. 3: Tutoring Begins Wednesday, Sept. 4: Student Govt Assembly at 9:15 HS gym for grades 4-12 to listen to officer speeches Thursday, Sept. 5: Officers announced at 2:45 Parent Meeting re: Weir Trip @ 6pm in Elem Gym Friday, Sept. 6: First Student Govt meeting at 3:10 in 5th grade classroom Red Eagle Day-show your school spirit and wear Red Enjoy your Labor Day Weekend!
7 months ago, St. Mary's School District
September 2024 Calendar *Subject to Change*
7 months ago, St. Mary's School District
sept cal
Wednesday, 8/28 Early Release Day @ 12:45pm. No Pre-K Friday, 8/30 K-6 Open House 2-3pm Phone lines are still currently down, UUI is looking into the issue.
7 months ago, St. Mary's School District
Make Up Play for Keeps Last Call for ALL 4th - 12th Grade Student Athletes and Parents When: Monday, August 26, 2024 @ 4-4:30pm Where: ES Computer Lab
7 months ago, Amber Dennis
CORRECTION Mini Potlatch Doors Open @ 530pm Quyana!
7 months ago, Amber Dennis
Back to School Mini Potlach TODAY Thursday, August 15 @ ES Gym Van leaving PXP @ 530pm Doors Open @ 545pm and begin @6pm
7 months ago, St. Mary's School District
SMSD SPORTS Required - Health Physical , Play for Keeps for both Athlete and Parent (7-12) Play for Keeps - Monday, Aug. 19 @ 6pm in the ES Gym (4-6) Play for Keeps - Tuesday, Aug. 20 @ 6pm in the ES Gym Questions, please contact the ES office @ 907-438-2311
7 months ago, St. Mary's School District
August 2024 Calendar
7 months ago, St. Mary's School District
2024-2025 Academic Calendar
7 months ago, St. Mary's School District
Good afternoon families! I hope you all have enjoyed your summer break! We have school creeping up on us next week! The Back to School Mini Potlatch will be at the Elementary Gymnasium on Thursday, August 15 @6pm. All students PreK - 12th grade enrolling students, parents and guardians are welcome to attend! The students would greatly appreciate you support. Community members are more than welcome to share a gift to pass out for the children. The first day of school will be on Friday, August 16th for all student K-12th grade. The first day of school for Preschool Monday, August 26th, their day begins with lunch @ 12pm. If you have not turned in enrollment forms yet, please do! I will be at the high school front office from 8am - 12pm and 1pm-4pm. Another reminder, if your child would like to play sports this year, please make sure they get their physicals with our local clinic. Were all excited to see you back in school! FYI, we have also created a new Facebook page call St. Mary's School District where all messages and district updates sent out will now be found on Facebook as well as the district website. We are also looking into creating an app just for SMCSD! Quyana Cakneq and enjoy the rest of your break!
7 months ago, Amber Dennis
We've published our ESSER III plans for the Covid Relief Act in our documents. Please click documents for more information about how we plan to use our Covid Relief Act Dollars.
about 3 years ago, St. Mary's School District