Saint Mary's City School District: K-12 Yup'ik
Teacher Name: Lillian Johnson
Position: K-12th Grade Yupik Instructor
Phone: 907-438-2311 Ext. 3
Pingnatuluci. Try your very best.
Mrs. Sanipua-i's Yup'ik Class
Hello! I am Mrs. Sanipua-i, which is a Yup'ik name given to me at birth. The Yup'ik classroom is where we work on language, reading, writing, values, sewing skills along with the skills learned in the shop.
I've always had an interest in Yup'ik classes beginning in high school. Yup'ik classes continued on into college and after college. I encourage our youth to become involved in your Yup'ik culture.
Clarence and I have raised six children, we now have 7 grandchildren. We've lived in St. Mary's all of our lives and don't plan on going anywhere else.
The students are what makes it special here at St. Mary's, they are always curious and wanting to learn. Please help your children learn Yup'ik at home, even t is just using single words. They can pick up on vocabulary.